Go Premium Information
Here you will find more information regarding the Premium memberhip. Below, you will find the FAQ for this.

What is a Premium Member?

Premium members, are privileged users who have access to the normal sections of the forum and the Premium Area also.

What is the Premium Area?

The premium area is the section of the forum where only Premium Members can access. In the Premium Area you will find special categories to request codes and support, as well as theme requests and packaging services.

What is the difference between a normal member and a premium member?

The main difference between a normal member and a premium member is the access to the Premium Area where normal members can't access. In addition to that, Premium Members have a different rank and color, and have a free of requirements request of their choice. This can be a free of requirements package request or design request.

How do I become a Premium Member?

You can exchange your points to become a premium member. You can do that from the Forumote Shop or by sending a PM to @TheCrow requesting to become premium. The cost of it is 100 Points.

Is premium membership forever?

No. You "buy" premium membership with your points and you have access to the Premium Area for 30 days.

Can I buy Premium for more than 30 days?

Yes. By buying the normal premium membership multiple times you get access as many times as you requested. That means the requests times 30 days each request you get. For example, if you buy the Premium Member access three times, (for 300 points) you will have 90 days access to the Premium Area etc.

Is there any other way to get Premium access?

Yes. By donating to the forum, depending on the amount you donate you get the deserving days access. For example, if you donate €5 to the forum you will get 50 days access. If you donate €10 to the forum you will get 100 days access etc. (this is only an example and these prices or days are not necessarily the actual ones)

If I have questions about premium where can I ask?

If these questions with answers don't cover your questions you can go ahead and PM @TheCrow letting him know of your question and he will happily reply to you once he is online. Premium Members announcement

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